Welcome to
Nursery Teacher
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Brown, Mrs Walton, Miss Cairns
Gledhow Nursery offers 15 hours of nursery provision taken in one of the following ways:
30 hours provision is also offered to those children who are eligible.
Please look on this website to see qualification criteria:
Top ups may be purchased at £5 to extend sessions from 8.45am to 9.00am.
Parents may put their child's name on the nursery waiting list at any time. Please contact the main school office:
We are able to admit children to nursery during the term after they turn three years old, if we have places available.
Before admission a 'getting to know you session' will be arranged, to come to nursery, and a home visit is normally made to ensure that the transition to nursery is smooth.
To support your child in getting ready for nursery, please encourage them to be as independent as possible. E.g. using the toilet, washing their hands, and putting on their coat.
Children need to bring a bottle of water for our 'snack' during each session. Milk and fruit are also provided.
Lunches, are eaten in the main school hall and children can either eat a school lunch or bring a packed lunch with them from home.
Here is a link to the school lunch menu available. It is a three-week rota of meals, which cater for different food preferences. If your child has a food allergy, the kitchen team can cater for this.
At the start of each session children arrive at nursery,' self-register' by answering the question of the day, hang up their coat, wash their hands and go to the carpet where the nursery session is started by the staff.
At the end of each session, the children are collected via the Nursery door, accessed through the Brackenwood Drive entrance.
At the end of the day, should it be necessary, for your child to be picked – up by anyone, other than his or her regular adult, you need to inform Nursery Staff or the office before the session ends. If Nursery Staff are unaware of any arrangements they will need to phone you to confirm this is agreed. Please make sure the Nursery Staff know who will be picking up your child to save any problems at the end of the day.
We use the ‘Class Dojo’ app, as a means to communicate with parents. Messages can be either to the whole nursery group or to individual parents. There is a ‘Class Story’ and a ‘Portfolio’ for each child. The ‘Portfolio’ enables the nursery team to send photographs and news about each child’s learning. We welcome parents to send photos of their children’s interests at home. This helps to celebrate learning both at home and as well as at nursery.
When your child starts with us, we will send a link via email to join our ‘Class Dojo’.
We try to help 'bring the curriculum to life' with extra activities whether it be a visitor or a ‘real’ experience.
Planned activities for Nursery are:
In Nursery, children spend a large part of their day learning independently in the different areas of provision. Here they access learning opportunities through their curiosity and interests. Our enhancements to these areas support development and progress in the following curriculum areas:
Prime Areas:
Specific Areas:
Children have 'free flow' opportunity to learn outside too, which is why it is crucial that outdoor clothing is with them every day.
We have four adult led group time sessions each day. These promote a ‘Love of Reading’, phonics, and mathematical understanding. There are also planned adult led activities in the areas of provision, which form part of our daily structure and routines.
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