Respect, Equality & Diversity (RED)


We are proud to announce that as a school we are launching our work towards attaining the RED award! The RED award stands for Respect, Equality and Diversity. It has been developed by the Red Kite Alliance to support schools to review, strengthen and celebrate their provision in terms of equality, diversity, respect for individuals and community cohesion. 

The Award provides:

 - A framework within which schools can evaluate their current provision in terms of equality, diversity, respect for individuals and community cohesion.

- A route map to help schools to build on what they already do well, to plan actions to strengthen their provision and to embed a cohesive, inclusive, respectful ethos across the entire school

- A vehicle for schools to celebrate the richness and diversity of the whole school community, as well as the school’s collective achievements in this area of its provision.

Our school commitment

The Equality Act 2010, states that it is unlawful for a school to discriminate against a student or prospective student by treating them less favourably because of their:

  • sex
  • race or racial group
  • disability
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • gender reassignment
  • pregnancy or maternity

At Gledhow Primary School we aim to provide our children with an inspirational and relevant curriculum; one which inspires children; one which encourages problem solving, fluency and reasoning, where children are happy supported, confident and enthusiastic. We ensure all students regardless of background, ability/disability, gender, sexuality, religion or belief are exposed to the same ambitious curriculum and all students are provided with the same opportunities to build Excellence for All in school.

Diversity Day 2024

We started off the day together for our whole school assembly, children came and shared different languages, unity dance performed for us and we sang our hearts out to 'we're all amazing'.

The morning consisted of each year group carrying out an activity based on a different ‘protected characteristic’ and a story linked to this. Activities ranged from learning about braille in Year 1 all the way to presentations on what we would do if we ruled the world in Year 6.

In the afternoon the children all carried out activities based on different countries. In Reception the children were busy having a tea party and in Year 4 we now have some Flamenco dancers!

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