Welcome to
Year 5
Miss Black
Teaching Assistant:
Mrs Johnstone
Teaching Assistant:
Mrs Ubhi
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Mudhar
Children come to school in their PE kit on the days they have PE.
Indigo: Monday and Friday
Magenta: Monday and Wednesday
Mulberry: Tuesday and Wednesday
PE Kit:
- White collarless T-shirt
- Maroon or black shorts
- Maroon hoodie with PE logo
- Black tracksuit trousers
- White socks
- Plain Trainers
Lunchtime is between 12.30 and 1.30pm. Children will play outdoors for 30 minutes and then spend 30 minutes eating in hall or the classroom (this rotates half-termly). Please see https://www.gledhow.leeds.sch.uk/school-meals for the latest school dinner menu.
We request that all children have a water bottle in class.
Each week two children from each class will be selected to receive a Star of the Week award and one child is selected for their exemplary behaviour. Throughout the week, children earn Dojo points for good behaviour, hard work and helping others.
Please contact the class teacher through Class Dojo to discuss your child or to arrange a phone call or face to face meeting. Please note that Class Dojo should not be used to notify school of absences or for emergencies. Please call the school office for these.
Class Dojo is checked at intervals throughout the school day but there is not an expectation on staff to check outside of school hours.
At Gledhow Primary School, each year group is able to access a curriculum enrichment budget of £1,200 to support the learning that happens in class with interactive experiences.
This is used for workshops or performances linked to the curriculum, such as drama workshops, visiting scientists leading hands-on experiences; and debate-themed workshops.
The school day in Year 5 is 8.50am until 3.20pm.
Year 5 children enter school via the Chandos gate (from Chandos Gardens) and exit through the Gledowls gate (from Lidgett Lane).
Gates open at 8.40am and 3.20pm and are closed promptly at 8.50am and 3.30pm.
If someone different is collecting your child then please inform the class teacher via Class Dojo with as much notice as possible.
Please complete a walking home alone permission form if you wish your child to walk home unaccompanied at the end of the school day. https://www.gledhow.leeds.sch.uk/walking-home-permits
We have Gledowls places for children who need to arrive earlier/stay later than the start times stated. Please see https://www.gledhow.leeds.sch.uk/Gledowls-before-and-after-school-club for more information.
Year 5 children are expected to study independently but may need to be helped with this process and should still be encouraged and supported to read every night.
Children are expected to read at least three times a week (outside of school hours) for a minimum of 10 minutes.
In addition, Year 5 children will receive a spelling task (via EdShed) linked to a taught spelling pattern and assigned maths activities (via Mathletics) every Monday. Spelling tests on the spelling pattern takes place on a Monday in school.
Children have been sent home log in details for the above platforms. If you require any further support, please contact your class teacher in the first instance.
There may be times when we ask pupils to bring in something from home to support our learning. This may be a cardboard box to use in a DT project, for example. This will be communicated to families ahead of time via Class Dojo.
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